Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best Weekend!

So, on Thursday I got my SIM card for my iphone! I am officially an owner of an iphone 4! I've been texting all the time. On Friday, I was invited to my friend Nada's birthday party. It was a lot of fun! I was texting my friend Zainab and we were texting literally all weekend! But I'll talk about that later. So anyways, after the party, Nikhita dropped me off and I started to prepare for our Harry Potter Marathon. If you don't know about that, I'll tell you. Me and Nikhita are really big Harry Potter fans and since the 7th movie is coming out on November 19th, we decided to have an all-nighter, Harry Potter Marathon. I decorated my basement with streamers, balloons and a Harry Potter poster. We had nachos with melted cheese for dinner and for snacks, we had chips, chocolate, candy, cupcakes and Fresca to drink. Our marathon started at 6:33pm on Friday and we watched all the Harry Potter movies in order one after another. We finished the next day at 9:30am! It was so much fun! It was like the best night of my life and I will never forget it! Once Nikhita left, I took a little nap and for the rest of the afternoon and evening, I was just relaxing and texting.
Sunday was pretty normal, I went to church and then Zainab texted me and from that moment till night, we were texting non-stop! It was one of the most hilarious conversations ever! Lambpo! You guys probably don't know what Lambpo is cause we made it up but it is the funniest thing alive! I had so much fun texting her and from then on, we've been texting each other.
Today is Tuesday and nothing really happened. But I'm really worried about science! The unit test is on Friday and I know I'm going to fail! I guess I'll just have to study extra hard!


  1. Harry Potter Marathon? That is sick! And, I know your not gonna fail! Your so smart! :)

  2. I still didn't get the test results yet. We're supposed to get them the beginning of next week... It was actually not that hard! I think I probably got a B r something like that.
